Tasha’s work in the media
Years ago, Tasha, a former classroom teacher turned public speaker and writer, shifted careers due to serious health issues. After recovering and becoming a mom, she was inspired to write a picture book for her daughter to foster a growth mindset and encourage her to live courageously.
This led to a book series and a deepend passion for empowering others. With her unique background as a teacher, author, entrepreneur, and mom, Tasha excels in helping both children and adults build confidence and overcome barriers to achieve their dreams using her 7 Core Values Framework.
Check out her work in the media:

As a new mom, Tasha was inspired to write The Little Shot, teaching her daughter to reach for her dreams. Learn more about her first book and how it became a series, in this news article.

In this 34-minute podcast episode, Tasha is interviewed by Podcast host Jeremy Taylor. Tasha shares about difficulties she’s encountered and how she’s used personal development to thrive despite these challenges.
Ep. 9 – Tough Times Come and Go with Tasha Eizinger

Tasha is interviewed by Julia Block Pearson of Stratos Creative Marketing as they delve into the reasons mindset matters in marketing, business, and life!
Ep. 10: How Mindset Matters in Marketing ft. Tasha Eizinger